
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Bread and Butter

Time for a Patch session encouraged by a light Southerly. No "stupid o'clock" start this morning... unsurprisingly! Soooooo glad I got there for dawn yesterday, as I don't think I'll be around for another 31 years!!

A Blackcap in the lane was a nice start, as was a Great Spotted Woodpecker on a feeder...

...and a lone Gannet gliding North as I reached the Cliff. A few Swallows headed South, somehow complimenting the improved Weather. The ground is finally starting to dry up which makes the walk a lot easier and the Dog a lot cleaner.

Being late to the domestic party after my Trip I was hoping for the iconic Spring migrant. I got two...

Welcome back

Familiar Silhouettes 

A message from Richard informed me of 1/2 Willow Warblers (scarce here) singing around my place (think I mentioned  the hearing). Sure enough I eventually managed to hear one on my return.

A nice easy morning session in proper Spring conditions...just!

Early afternoon I had a stroll down to Old Hive from Cliff Farm to see the Sand Martins. A Meadow Pipit allowed me a decent view on the way down...

As I arrived it became apparent that the Colony wasn't at home. Not a single Bird to be seen? As I was juggling various theories, out of nowhere they appeared in two distinct clouds, totalling c60 Birds. It was great to see them again. Welcome back...again!

As I was waiting I scanned the Sea and picked up 4 distinctive Birds coming "in-off"...

Through the haze

Luckily they flew down the Cliff...

and right past me...

Also while I was waiting (I must wait more often) I heard a Curlew to the South. I picked it up over the Sea as it circled round and headed back...

However it was now accompanied by two obviously smaller birds of similar shape...

Curlew/Whimbrel ID can be tricky, depending on quality of view and distance (at least for me). So seeing both Species together...helped! A first for me here...


Together...heavy crop comparison...

Here, obvious...distant lone birds maybe less so...unless they call of course! A lone LBBG also joined the Party...

I popped up to the Sewage for a quick look and was surprised to see more Shelducks. This time a pair on the beach...

This is not a common sight!

Any Wader/Wildfowl "sticking" is very much appreciated. Although things are drying up somewhat there are still a few puddles around on the Farmland, which gives extra temporary Habitat. The Shelducks took advantage...

They were only present 5 minutes before continuing South. It made me lament for some permanent Habitat that would attract such Birds. Alas there isn't any. However, it does make their occurrence special...I keep telling myself! So, a surge of additions to the Year List...

Holmpton 86

Over to Lancs tomorrow via Duff of course. Migrants arriving all the time...hopefully some pass by...

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