
Sunday 12 March 2023

Cyprus 23

After a couple of Months to forget (for various personal reasons) I'm REALLY looking forward to leaving the gloom behind, getting some sun on my back and searching for some Great Birds!!! I did enjoy the two WW Gulls along the Coast and the Willow Tit at Duff...amongst others. 

After a few final preparations, we'll be heading for Lancashire on Tuesday morning after dropping the boys off for their "holiday". We fly Wednesday afternoon from Manchester  and I'll be out there first thing Thursday...once I've picked our car up from the Airport.

Having been through my Spreadsheet I've refreshed my memory (you can only revise what you've previously learned...a Deputy Head once told me via an Assembly!) and compiled my Lists. Plenty to "go at" and hopefully stumble across? I've dug out the old "Gosney Guide" which may be out of date BUT has some excellent maps of the major Sites. This, combined with eBird will be all I need...except for current reports online of course.

Only a couple of Lifers available...

Demoiselle Crane
Semi-collared Flycatcher

Cyprus Ticks - Specials

Little Bittern
Short-toed Eagle
Booted Eagle
Great Snipe
Great Black-headed Gull
Caspian Tern
Whiskered Tern
Great Reed Warbler
Caspian Stonechat

Cyprus Ticks - Others

Grey Plover
Curlew Sandpiper
Spotted Redshank
Jack Snipe
White Stork
Montagu's Harrier
Barn Owl

Quality Species
Ferruginous Duck
Ruddy Shelduck
Red-crested Pochard
Black Francolin
Greater Flamingo
Laughing Dove
Alpine Swift
Pallid Swift
Great-spotted Cuckoo
Spotted Crake
Little Crake
Baillon's Crake
Yelkouan Shearwater
Squacco Heron
Purple Heron
Stone Curlew
Collared Pratincole
Stone Curlew
Caspian Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Spur-winged Plover
Little Stint
Cream-coloured Courser
Marsh Sandpiper
Slender-billed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Audouin's Gull
Armenian Gull
Griffon Vulture
Long-legged Buzzard
Bonelli's Eagle
Pallid Harrier
Lesser Kestrel
Cyprus Scops Owl
Short-eared Owl
Blue-Cheeked Bee-eater
Lesser Kestrel
Masked Shrike
Tawny Pipit
Richard's Pipit
Red-throated Pipit
Blyth's Pipit
Citrine Wagtail
Eurasian Penduline Tit
Bimaculated Lark
Calandra Lark
Red-rumped Swallow
Crag Martin
Olivaceous Warbler
Moustached Warbler
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler
Eastern Orphean Warbler
Cyprus Warbler
Ruppell's Warbler
Spectacled Warbler
Collared Flycatcher
Rock Thrush
Blue Rock Thrush
Cyprus Wheatear
Isabelline Wheatear
Desert Wheatear
Black-eared Wheatear
Finsch's Wheatear
Spanish Sparrow
Cretzschmar's Bunting
Ortolan Bunting the "common stuff". That lot should provide sufficient interest. There's also the chance of something...extra...of course!? Bring it on...

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