
Wednesday 22 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 7

Back to Day 6 first!

Briefly the route was...(Trip additions only mentioned)

- Perivolia Fields (9.30 - 10.15)...Calandra Lark, Zitting Cristicola.

- Meneou Pools (10.30 - 11)...Black-winged Stilt, Greater Flamingo (c200), Coot, Shoveler, Teal, Mallard, Skylark.

- Larnaca Sewage Works  (11.15 - 12) - Redshank(2), Greenshank, Pintail, Spectacled Warbler.

- Oroklini Lake (12.45 - 1.30) - Red-crested Pochard (male), Black-necked Grebe, Moorhen.

- Cape Greco (2.30 - 5) - Cyprus Warbler, Cyprus Wheatear, Finsch's Wheatear, Cretzschmar's Bunting.

The last couple of hours were superb as I had interest continually from Warblers) plenty of Ruppell's and Spectacled), Wheatears and a pair of Blue Rock Thrushes.

On to today...

Phil and I spent the morning in the Archaeological Site form 8.30 to 12.15. We covered some ground and saw some "good stuff". Again additions were...

Night Heron (7)
Stone Curlew
Glossy Ibis - 3 flocks numbering over 50
Eastern Subalpine Warbler
Willow Warbler

Now for the REALLY exciting bit!!!

Around 2.30 I received a call from Ian Bloomer informing me he'd just found a BLACK-BELLIED SANDGROUSE at yep...Mandria!!! Fortunately we were heading that way after lunch. He gave me excellent directions and we soon arrived to join him and Kate. The bird was still present but flighty! Kate got me on it through her scope and I managed a few pics before a plane coming into land flushed it. It wasn't seen again despite searching the rest of the afternoon. I was the only one to see it except for Ian and Kate of course!

So, I'd managed another Rarity on my visit...

I have a few snaps to show you but it's heading up for 10 here and I've had it. I'm off to the Akrotiri Peninsular tomorrow with Phil for the day. Should be good fun. Stay tuned...

Trip Total 85

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