
Friday 17 February 2023

If at first...

After Tuesdays disappointment I returned to NDC yesterday arriving at 9.30. In an effort to add some Year ticks I was thinking of spending some time around the bushes. This idea was backed up when during a brief phone chat with Louise a Treecreeper (60) flew into the hedge in front of me! Only my 5th record.

Buoyed by this success I headed for the repaired hut. They'd done a great job. Many thanks! Hopefully Garganey Hide will be next?

Having set my stall out I decided to check out the feeding station. No food present but some birds were. A mixed flock were on tour. The usual Blue and Great Tits accompanied by my first Long-tailed (61).

Then... something different...and special, a brief initial naked eye glimpse but no doubt...a Marsh/Willow Tit!!! Could it be relocated before it inevitably moved on? Fortunately it lingered, enabling me (with the help of the screen) to obtain some good pics.

BUT... which one?

It's been MANY Years since I'd seen either!! Being long in the tooth I'm aware of the pitfalls in separating these two without call (which it didn't). A few texts with Haydn who "gets" Marsh on Skipwith Common backed up my view. Not all individuals show the supposedly "classic" plumage features.

For me, I go for structure rather than plumage (being an ID Guru!!?) and this bird looks bull-headed, so Willow (L.161, Y.62) for me...a NDC Lifer! Only took 37 years!!

The bird was present for around 10 minutes....on and off. I will add plumage thoughts for what they're worth! The first image exhibits a "bull-headed" feel and evidence of pale wing panel and full bib. Also a decent amount of white in cheek...

Posture of a bird can also affect the structural "look"...

On these two though there is no evidence of a wing panel and the bird looks daintier with a small bib?

Suggests smaller white cheek?

A larger image...

Proving photos can be deceptive...distance, angle, light etc. I'm not going down the dull or shiny cap route or the white mark on the base of the bill...on "most"! Many reputable Websites state call is the only true indicator, as there are exceptions in plumage for both Species. I can see why! Great to have it on my Patch whatever. My impression on the day was chunky rather than dainty.

Birdguides Website..."Visually the two species are difficult to seperate and a key feature is the call"

Other "moments" included this young Peregrine perched on a Riverside fence post...

An extremely distant Red Kite perched on a snag by the River...

You may be able to pick out the pale head and forked tail on this dodgy crop? The Peregrine kept the Waders honest...

Easily 2000 Lapwings present (no Golden Plover) and an impressive 177 Dunlin

A Buzzard appeared near my lay-by at lunchtime as I ate the obligatory Chip Butty...

The afternoon session failed to produce anything new but Marsh Harriers (3) patrolled the Carrs and provided further interest...

 Very enjoyable...

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