
Tuesday 7 February 2023

A Picture

Forecast set fair with a max Temp of 10C, meant only one thing...a trip to Duff via some essential visits in Hull. I arrived at 10 and was pleased to see a clear sky and optimum water level. Bubwith Ings had all but dried up which meant an impressive concentration of Birds on the Carrs.

Also pleasing was the magnificent sight of 42 Whooper Swans enjoying this precious natural environment. Not a Pylon in sight.

A pair of Teal drifted close by...

Impressive numbers of Shelduck (85) were present...

A couple of Little Egrets (57) sat in a distant dead tree and a lone Skylark (58) took a drink at the water's edge. A Dunnock (59) feeding on the path completed the Year additions. Raptors were represeted by a cc Marsh Harrier, Buzzard (4), a couple of Kestrels and this impressive female Peregrine...

Elaine form the Village appeared mid-afternoon with her latest "hearing dog". It was good to see her. She gripped me off with a brief sighting of a Goldcrest

I headed home at 4.

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