
Sunday 1 January 2023

Great start!

News of a juv Glaucous Gull S at Flamboro' this morning pricked my ears up. A brief chat and "Happy New Year" with Richard gave it another mention.

At 2.20 a message from Gavin on the With' WhatsApp stating he'd just had what was almost certainly the same bird S past the Lifeboat Station!

I was watching the Darts in the bedroom. Scramble! I grabbed my bins and camera, jumped in the car and headed to the end of School Lane (slightly further South). 5 minutes of scanning produced a few distant Herring and Greater Black-backed Gulls. The light was poor and it was slightly misty.

Then, a lone gull appeared c200 yds offshore flying steadily South...with pale wingtips...

Admittedly a dodgy BOC cropped pic but good enough as a record shot. Some hint of shade on the pic but seemed fine through the bins. Photos can be deceptive. As you know I'm no Larophile!!

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