
Tuesday 27 September 2022

Eastern Promise?

I shared a nice mixed flock this morning with Richard on Seaside Road on my way back from the doggy walk. Decent group of L.T.Tits (c10), Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff (2), Blackcap (2) and my FOY Goldcrest (P.130, H.121).

Late afternoon on a brief stop for my pal, I spotted a bird stood on the track ahead of us. Fortunately, I managed to open the car door without it flying off, which for this Species isn't easy. I watched it for around 15 minutes as it slowly hopped along the track towards me. I've never seen this behaviour before...

Female Sparrowhawk

Eastern Thrushes turning up on the Northern Isles with a WHITE'S on North Ron' and a dead SIBERIAN on my favourite Island "up there" Papa Westray. More to come, no doubt...but where?

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