
Saturday 27 August 2022

Around the County

Clockwise jaunt around Yorkshire yesterday...well, part of it! Leaving East and heading North into Teeside...Old Yorks for us County Listers.

I arrived in Redcar around Noon and headed for the beach with my gear...and dog...on the lead of course. I AM a responsible dog owner. I have to be, with my anti-social four legged friend! He protects me; lol!

Phil was already "in situ" and "on" the bird. The incoming tide was pushing it ever closer... fortunately!

I rattled a few pics off...of which this was the best...

Greater Sand Plover

...before it flew South with other waders and wasn't seen again before we left around 1.15. It was re-located later in the day. This was my 9th sighting of this Species having seen 2 in Britain before, at John Muir C.P. East Lothian (June 1999) and Spurn (July 18). I've also seen them in Cyprus and the UAE.

Phil headed for Spurn and I headed for Cloughton, north of Scarborough to try for Turtle Dove. With the info I had I eventually found the site and a couple of Birders. Two TD were present on wires but distant and into the some considerable distance.

I figured it was worth trying the western side, if possible. I noted a few of the buildings along the main road  and headed off there. I found the Village Hall and parked up. After a brief reccy I made my way to the rear and found the relevant Telegraph Poles. There was no apparent access to the Farm fields, which meant I was wasn't much nearer to be honest, which was disappointing. Still at least the sun was behind me...

I did eventually see 4 birds on the wires though...

It had been some time since I'd seen this species.


This morning we had a stroll down to Old Hive from Cliff Farm on yet another wonderful sunny morning. Richard had reported a Stonechat there yesterday and I was keen to add it to my Year List. Sure enough, it popped up in the brambles within 5 minutes of arriving...

Stonechat (P.118, H.111)

A search through the Old Hive Copse produced nothing except a passing Sand Martin. A couple of Turnstones flew South as I returned towards the car. I then noticed a movement in the grasses...

The youngster soon headed West after spotting us...

The Stonechat was the key sighting of the morning though...

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