
Wednesday 10 August 2022

A Gull

It was time for my Mother to leave for home. It'd been really nice to have her over for an extended period. The fabulous weather has been a real bonus. 

We departed Holmpton at 10 and arrived at Hartshead Services at Noon as intended. After Coffee with my Sister I said my Goodbyes and started to battle my way back East on the crowded M62.

I reached the A1 and headed South... for Grafham Water... again!

After my rather rushed visit on Sunday afternoon I was hoping for a more leisurely visit on this occasion and maybe a pic or two to mark the occasion?

The car thermometer climbed steadily as I travelled South and was registering 31C on arrival!

After negotiating the dreaded car park procedures I made my way along the dam wall. I could see a small group of Birders (c20) in the distance. It was steaming.

As I reached them it became obvious that the bird was present on its favoured railings. It was preening vigorously in the company of a LBB Gull. It then went to sleep!

After a short while it stirred and I got my pics although the light was harsh in the blazing sunlight...

Then, it started to call loudly and stretch its neck...

I suspected it may take flight did...

It headed along the dam wall...

...and landed in the distance by the waters edge. This was back in the direction from whence It'd came...which was a relief in more ways than one, given the circumstances. As I approached the end of the dam wall a Birder in front of me shouted "it's flying"! I watched it travel out into the middle of the reservoir and land. It was just after 5.That was it for me. I was glad to get back to the car for a much needed drink! After the relief of the rising barrier on leaving the car park I headed North back up the hectic A1. I arrived back home at 10pm due to the usual nighttime road closures. I was surprised to read that the bird hadn't been seen again?

The usual conjecture ensued BUT it was back on the railings this morning! Great news for some of my mates who had yet to connect.

So, I'd got my pics for posterity! I'm not going to "dish" the bird as it deserves respect like any other. OK, some more than others!! There's predictably "shed loads" of detailed analysis on-line, as is the norm these days.

It had grey legs! A prophesy here

This record had "nudged my niggle" about not going for the Brownsville Dump bird in April lol! Yet, I just don't get an adrenaline rush with these type of occurrences? More obligation than stimulation!

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