
Saturday 2 July 2022

Always Something

Happy to have Greenfinches breeding in the hedge opposite the Cottage, complimented by the local Wood Pigeon in the adjacent garden...

Swallow families are starting to appear on the wires which is always pleasing to see as the parents feed the youngsters. Swifts are moving South although I've only seem small numbers compared to down the road...mind you I'm not stood there quite as long!

This morning we made the walk North to the second Pill. A few Skylarks and Meadow Pipits kept us company. In the distance to the North I could see a large flock of "Gulls". On inspection I was surprised and delighted to discover they weren't all Gulls, in fact there were a significant number (c30) of Gannets! From dubious memory, I've had a couple fly along the cliff edge over the Years and plenty at distance. This is the first occasion I've seen a group feeding off shore at such relatively close range (c0.5 miles). A marvellous sight!!

I walked along the cliff to get closer.Some had moved on but a few lingered...

A quality local experience to be sure!

On the return I managed to catch the local Whitethroat on the end of Seaside Road...

...whilst waiting in vain for the Cory's Shearwater reported flying North past Spurn...

Magpies are relatively common in the area and Village and I've seen them FROM the garden on numerous occasions. However, I've never had one IN the garden before...


A brief stop of down at Patrington Haven paid off when a family of Grey Partridges suddenly appeared on front of me. The tiny youngsters (4) were too quick for me but I just caught one of the protective parents doing its decoy movements...

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