
Friday 3 June 2022

Texas 22 - Day 23

...and so to the last day and my last riveting report. After discussing tactics we decided it was better to check out early and head back to SW which meant we could go straight to the Airport when the time came...unfortunately!

We arrived at 9 after once again passing through the Refinery...

That's the Bridge into Louisiana in the distance

I had a pleasant 2.5 hours roaming around while Louise puzzled...

I did treat her to another Texas Roadhouse the previous evening...

A few views around the Woods...

This place can be alive with migrants under favourable conditions. Not just variety but also numbers. 100 Red-eyed Vireos estimated on one day recently!

Unfortunately for me I hadn't timed it right this Year. I was disappointed I won't lie but this was tempered by the fact I'd actually been able to come again at all. It was time to say goodbye now and we headed for the Airport. I hope to return again one day,,,

I'll be doing a Summary and full Trip List to complete the account. I hope you enjoyed it...

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