
Thursday 9 June 2022

Here and There

This here Blogging ain't all about reminiscing past Trips you know!

Today I had to pop over to York which meant a Trip to NDC...of course. As I left a daytime Barn Owl on Snakey was a pleasant bonus. The bird was flying directly towards me so I pulled over and waited...

Fortunately it continued my way...

It turned and came back again...

Pleased to get something. What a great Bird!!! Further along a just managed to snatch an image of this Hare...

I arrived at Duff at Noon and settled down in the Geoff Smith Hide for a couple of Hours. Pretty overgrown now with little visible water except for the "scrape"...

...whose margins are also overgrown. Birds present were Canada Goose, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard Heron, Swift, Sedge Warbler and Little Grebe...

Thoughts started to turn to Year Ticks. What could I add? After I'd reigned my expectations in I decided that Hobby was my best bet. A Mistle Thrush (76) flew across which changed all that! It was nearly time to go and I watching the Swifts hunting over the Scrape and along the River. A Kestrel had been present throughout. I then noticed something...slimmer?! The bird was keeping low along the River bank at around 200 yards. Fast moving and elusive but I was sure it was a Hobby(77)! Anyway, after around 10 minutes I managed to grab a pic...

Mission accomplished!

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