
Saturday 7 May 2022

Texas 22 Review - Initial Thoughts


My strategy to balance excitement with relaxation WAS achieved I feel...although Louise may beg to differ! I HAVE to say here and now how appreciative I am of her attitude to my "interest". I like to think I gave her a great time.

It wasn't about numbers, although I did keep a total and tried when possible to add species to my Lists. I added Sooty Tern and Limpkin to my Texas List bringing me to 473. That's what Birders do...isn't it?  The vibrancy of the State of Texas is infectious and the scale is mind blowing, making England look like Lilliput! Not everyone's cup of tea and I love my Country but the contrast for a Holiday is my view.

Having chosen this State as my "go to" destination for the majority (14) of my foreign visits this Century, I'm always surprise how fresh it feels on arrival. The feeling of excitement NEVER diminishes. An extra edge was added to this trip with the forced gap due to obvious reasons. The feeling of Nostalgia was strong...and very pleasant.

As stated previously there is never any intent to boast during my posts, or promote envy. I hope to give a factual and maybe even interesting account of my travels throughout this bird-filled State.

My main focus was to find species rather than share them, although this was impossible at times due to the understandable popularity of certain spots...and that was OK also. The popular hotspots can be somewhat "zoo-like" on occasions so I tried to explore other less busy areas of these sites to enable me to "find my own". I have to say though that the behaviour and atmosphere at all Sites was exemplary, making all experiences a pleasure.

The beauty, tameness and sheer volume of birds is truly astonishing!!! Just saying.

Both our bases were superb which enhanced our visit considerably. As you can imagine the facilities and infrastructure are second to none which also enhances the visit. "Gas" prices remained remarkably low...this IS Texas! I never saw one electric car or charging station. Again...just saying.

The weather was superb ranging between 22 and 28c. It's like arriving at an instant British Summer...and some. Everything is in bloom and an overnight thunderstorm in Galveston produced an explosion of colour which was  an amazing sight. The Live Oaks are majestic. 

Having tried to produce a daily report for the "first half" I decided to relax my approach in order to "do things justice" I've also stated before that my Blog is a personal History of my movements BUT hopefully it also provides interest and information for the reader? 

There are other areas of this enormous continent which provide excellent opportunities to experience migration on a grand scale. It's Texas for me ticks ALL my boxes. I'm even happy to leave in early May as the temperatures reach 30C and the humidity increases!

I'll revisit the Trip from the start, hopefully without too much repetition? I'll shake it up a bit! Then I'll try to convey the Galveston end of things, to hopefully do it justice. I hope you'll come along for the ride and maybe even visit one day. You wouldn't be disappointed...

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