
Monday 9 May 2022

Texas 22 - First Half Summary (3)

If you recall our friend Lorna kindly invited us over to her place in Mission for an overnight stay to enable me to have more time to bird this outstanding area. Before that though, a brief (hopefully not too repetitive) summary of my day (April 14th) just over the bridge from SPI, taking in the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. On reflection this was a good decision, a nice change coupled with some good luck at the end!

More detail on the daily report (time difference allowing) but suffice to say THIS was the undoubted highlight...

A Magnificent Frigatebird

I'd always dreamed of "finding my own" but thought my best chance would be on the Galveston Ferry. I wasn't disappointed. Seeing this sinister shape floating over the Port Isabel Lighthouse is a sight that will linger long in the memory.

The views of this Chat at LV were pretty special also...

First stop in the Valley was Estero Llano where a very pleasant few hours were spent with Lorna...

Worth posting the Pauraque pic again I feel...

Ultimate camouflage?

This splendid male Northern Cardinal showed well...

The visit to Santa Ana was less productive in the afternoon heat but great to be there once more...

Still my favourite spot in the Valley. A few hitches later in the day hampered further Birding. It can't be all plain sailing! The main purpose of the visit was to visit the Hawk Tower at Bentson...

A marvellous 4 hours were spent there where I saw 42 species, 14 of which were new for the Trip. Loved the enthusiasm of the two old boy guides. Their passion was infectious and their manner polite. Witnessing the hundreds of Hawks, Vultures and Kites was unforgettable...not quite Wykeham! Alas the hoped for Hook-billed Kite didn't materialize BUT the Ringed Kingfisher views were excellent...

It was also very satisfying to enjoy extended views of Altamira Oriole...


Less successful was our 2 hour vigil at the National Butterfly Centre for Audubon's Oriole...

A nemisis/bogey species for me! I admit succumbing to the feeding station for this one, as the shade was required in the afternoon heat (95F). It's c10 degrees hotter in the Valley than on the Coast. The bird was seen HERE, the day before ...and the day AFTER!

Tomorrow, I'll finish off my "First-half Summary".

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