
Wednesday 11 May 2022

Glossy Ibises at Wheldrake Ings

Seeing as it's "half-time" in my riveting Texas 22 Review, I thought I'd interject with a report on my opportune visit to a VERY old stomping ground yesterday afternoon.

News came through on Monday that a Glossy Ibis had been seen on the refuge at the rear of Swantail Hide. As you are aware I'm STILL keen on York Birding and will try for new additions when possible. My focus is almost entirely on Duff BUT I have plenty of History at Wheldrake...although I haven't done the "trudge" for Years. 

Anyway, news of THREE birds yesterday lunchtime spurred me into action...despite still being in "recovery mode". The forecast looked good and when I arrived at the riverside car park the skies were clear. I started the walk along the path...

..which brought back many memories...some for you Tim? I'd spent many hours down here in the 90's, sharing sightings with Tim Dixon and Elaine, Russell Slack, Pete Piringer and Craig Ralston. The highlight being the three Black-winged Stilts I re-found with Russell in May 1993. Things are fancier now with a stony path rather than...dirt/mud. It still felt a long way down to the Windpump (aka getting old)...

A new boardwalk made the final part of the walk to Swantail a doddle. I actually enjoyed the stroll. I passed a few Birders on the way down who hadn't had any luck, one commenting he'd been there 90 minutes or so. As I entered Swantail there was only one Birder present who was just packing up. We got chatting and he also informed me he'd been there over an hour with no luck. As he left the hide I scanned the Refuge...

...only to see 2 Glossy Ibises fling low!!! I thought I better let him know! He managed to get onto them before they descended back into the long grass. Rather fortunate...and a great relief, as I was expecting a long wait.


Keith then left after thanking me. I didn't stay long after although I did get another flight view and picked them up twice on the ground briefly. A successful visit and my 218th species for the York Area. I stopped off briefly at Tower Hide on my return...for "Old Times Sake"...

Many hours spent here

I didn't see anything else of particular note...but I'd seen what I came here for...

I've added 6 belated species in the Village since my return, with more luck than judgement...

Sand Martin
House Martin

These could be record LATE additions!

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