
Tuesday 24 May 2022

EV - Back Home

Like that title...even though I say so myself! However, not as keen on the outcome. Got back for Midnight.

I spent all yesterday checking the Devoran Estuary (a stunning spot) and the heavily wooded and hilly Mylor Peninsular to the South, towards Falmouth. Difficult...

I DID bump into the finder, Steve Votier for a chat. Nice chap who pointed me to a Video through Twitter. We shared the usual thoughts on provenance!!! He was sure it was a different bird than the Scilly/Irish record! Which does beg the Question...why TWO Birds all of a sudden? Different theories on release projects/captive origin etc. Who knows...I don't. 

All I know is..I chose to make the (foolish?) effort to see an EGYPTIAN VULTURE in Britain...and failed again. You may remember I travelled to Scilly also. I don't DO Ireland. Again, this wasn't a "must have a tick" sorjourn. It was an adventure that I can now undertake on occasion due to "time of Life". I AM aware of travel costs...that's why I slept in the car...which doesn't get any easier!

The Cornish lanes are a nightmare to be honest. VERY narrow, high-sided and winding with little visibility, which I WAS aware of BUT was DEFINITELY re-enforced on this Trip!! Having just returned from Texas, the time taken to negotiate this area, felt like I was back there! I DID find one vantage point from which to scan...

...but as you can see, even here, it wasn't great! I gave it an Hour.

The Weather was mixed but there were decent periods AND it was warm (18C). No luck through a) Miracle sighting b) news from elsewhere. So why go? Well...

I wanted to see it! Setting off on news from I found out, would take time (7 hours). Better to be LOCAL I feel. Obviously a loooooooong shot BUT possible.

Obviously a BIG question mark over Origin but...there you go!?

This Twitching game throws up all sorts of emotions. As I'm sat here at home writing this...and recovering...there's always a chance of a message...but would I now want it? Also, if I'd have stayed another night I'd have been looking at a Roller this morning. Ah well...that's Birding!

Just imagine IF I'd found it though...would have been NICE!!!

On a positive note I managed 4 Cornish ticks according to eBird..

Red Kite

Swift (certainly an oversight)




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