
Friday 29 April 2022

Texas 22 - Thursday Summary

Checked out two sites this morning. I started at Corps Woods which was quiet(er) but still held some stunning Warblers. Close views of Magnolia being the pick. 

I then drove to East Car Park. Why pay 12 dollars for the adjoining one?! My target here was the cute Snowy Plover...which can be elusive...especially to me! It was a good mile to the tip of the Island and I could see good numbers of birds resting there. Another glorious day (24C) made the walk a pleasure on firm sand.

One Snowy Plover...

18 Black Terns were another surprising highlight.

We spent 3 hours down at Dos Vacas Muertos, just relaxing and seeing what came my way. I added a few Island ticks the major one being Purple Gallinule...

A surprise alate addition here was Blue-grey Gnatcatcher...

He was fast!

Trip Total...208 species

BIG Day at High Island tomorrow. Stay tuned...

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