
Tuesday 19 April 2022

TEXAS 22 - Day 7

Monday...if you're still with me!

More migrant trap checking hoping for an arrival of beauty. A ghostly apparition in the early morning mist was promising...

Blackpoll Warbler

Next, a little jewel popped into view briefly...

Cape May Warbler

It was still present. As was the ridiculously tame Prothonotary...

Dream Bird

A new arrival was a Black-throated Green Warbler...

...but the Cape May was still grabbing my attention...

I think I can safely claim the Blackpoll Warbler showed rather well later...

Eventually I nailed the Warbling Vireo...

...and the White-eyed...

Late afternoon I said goodbye to Lorna. It had been great to Bird and share time with her. We'd both thanked her for her hospitality and company.

I returned to the CC for the last hour, and this proved to be a great decision as new birds had arrived. Flocks of Dickcissel were moving through...a new observation for me...

Eastern Kingbirds appeared as if by magic with at least 6 present...

The light was fading now but not before a jewel was spotted...

Painted Bunting

The light had all but gone now but there was one more surprise in store...

Scarlet Tanager

A truly superb day.

Trip Total...137 species

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