
Monday 18 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 6

Time differences, various venues, travel etc....this can get confusing. Then there's the recording and planning of course...all in a relaxed way you understand. Seriously everything has gone to plan...well nearly. After 2 days in the Valley, I returned to the Convention Centre on SPI this morning (Sunday)...

...and there last!!!

Two in particular were stunners. I finally added Cape May to my Texas list on my last visit in 2019. This morning I saw my second...very well. I had prolonged views as the bird was present all morning. The advantage of this site is it's relatively small and the vegetation is low, so you get great views and better photo opportunities...

Arriving so early meant I was the first Birder there (Our place is only 5 minutes away). It was quite hazy and the light wasn't great. The birds kept in the shadows the majority of the time but with patience they would eventually give themselves away...

A shadowy figure...

Eventually he emerged...

I'm aware I've already stated my opinion on "death by photographs" BUT I feel these jewels deserve the coverage they are entitled too...

My favourite image...

Also present was a stunning Prothonotary Warbler. This morning I also got my best ever views of this species...eventually!

The bird was very active and mobile but the stunning yellow gave him away eventually...

A stunner!

I'd waited a long time for this moment and thankfully I was now reaping the benefits of my efforts...and it felt good.

Blackpoll Warbler...

Tennessee Warbler...

White-eyed Vireo...

...and I just managed a record shot of the elusive Philadelphia Vireo...

I wanted to post these pics tonight as a topical reminder of how brilliant this State can be at migration time. I have jumped forward and I WILL give a more detailed account of my time in the RGV...but not tonight...I'm bushed. Besides I have to plan tomorrow also...

Trip Total...131 species

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