
Thursday 17 March 2022


Started at Welwick this morning in an attempt to locate the lingering Richard's Pipit. I was dismayed to see a shape creeping along the mudbank complete with camera on arrival. I made my exit...I think you can read my thoughts. I'm too old (and I like to think wise) for all that.

I parked at Skeffling and took the lad a walk along the floodbank towards Welwick, although I had no intention of re-visiting the site...not yet at least...

The tide was way out as I checked both sides of the path. Some nice habitat enhanced by yesterday's rain...

I hadn't seen a single Hen Harrier or SEO this Year? I could see a few white shapes way in the distance which isn't unusual here as Little Egrets are regular. However, one appeared bigger?

I estimated the bird was at least 800 yds away but I was sure it was a GWE. The bird then took flight and landed on the foreshore...conveniently next to a Little...


I was still  a considerable distance away. I decided to walk below the bank until I got closer. The problem with this strategy was I couldn't see the bird...albeit it couldn't see me! Unfortunately I then spotted someone coming towards me who would almost certainly flush the bird. As I was scanning I caught sight of a white was the GWE flying South over the Humber...

My reward for being a good boy earlier...I like to think!

Time to return to the RP site. This time the coast was thankfully clear, so I walked along the path and set up my scope to view the field...

The hedge has been trimmed somewhat!

Thirty minutes past with no sign of the large Pipit. This species can be tough anywhere, with many covering considerable distances when present. I set a target of 1pm and at 12.55 it appeared, flying in, circling and landing some 50 yds away. I managed to capture something before I lost it in the undulating stubble...

Success (P.91)

Another 20 minutes past before I picked it up again, more distantly. I decided to try my new toy again. After further teething problems I managed to get a few images. I feel this one illustrates the difficulty of picking it out at distance...

Eventually the bird revealed itself...

c60 yds

Decent morning...indeed!

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