
Thursday 24 February 2022

Lancashire Washout

Surprise, surprise!

My trip didn't turn out as intended with yet another inaccurate forecast for the dark side. Mind you, growing up over there I should have known it would be wetter than predicted!!

I did visit Samelsbury, albeit briefly but a combination of parking issues and weather meant I didn't linger. A definite long shot for the BK.

Deep into Texas 22 planning now. With COVID restrictions thankfully easing, I am gaining confidence that my 14th visit will indeed take place this year at the THIRD time of asking. Apologies for repeat information!

We'll be heading South initially from Houston to (click sites for details)...

South Padre Island which is a migrant "Hot Spot" on the Southern Gulf Coast. Two iconic sites are the Convention Centre (364 species) and the Birding and Nature Centre (358 species). Small areas of landscaped gardens are a magnet for tired migrants which are easily viewable under relaxed conditions. There are also walkways over mangroves enabling stunning close views of the waterbirds.

...before returning North to...

Galveston for the second half of our three week trip. Top Sites here include Galveston Island S.P. (322 species) and the amazing Lafitte's Cove (322 species).

There will be no charging around (as if I could these days), just a relaxed accumulation of species around the Coast. However, I WILL attempt to add the occasional Species to my Lists (ABA/Texas...or both) should the opportunity arise. As I write there are a few additions available...


BAT FALCON (1st record)




Limpkins have recently colonised the State and should be a "nailed on" addition.

Wood Stork - always rare in my time window...but possible

Iceland Gull 

Glaucous Gull 

Short-eared Owl

Connecticut Warbler

Mourning Warbler

...and maybe something else?

As we know there's always something new turning up. I hope you get to where you want to be this Year, we've waited long enough!

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