
Saturday 19 February 2022


I like to think I have some!? I needed it this morning as I headed South to Old Hive in search of our Winter flock. Granted I'm forced out anyway by my beloved German Shepherd  BUT I can choose my route and without a target, I wouldn't have chosen this one! A report of the first Avocet past Spurn added further encouragement. My first scan revealed a couple of RTD close in, struggling North. There were plenty more on the sea (c50) before I reached Old Hive. I also managed a couple of Guillemot...

I hadn't seen anything in the "rough stuff"and by the was "fleeing". The wind had obviously dropped from yesterday but it was still cutting with a predicted "feels like" of -1.

I reached the welcome cover of Old Hive Copse and I soon picked up plenty of birds also sheltering in the trees. Chaffinch (c30), Tree Sparrow (c40) and Yellowhammer (c60...

I gave it 30 minutes (definitely long enough this morning) before retracing my steps back towards Mill Hill. As if by magic, a tight flock of birds rose out of the "rough stuff". It was hard to count the ever changing shape they formed but I made it 18...Twite! There is zero cover on the Cliff Top and the wind was cutting through me but I persevered until I couldn't feel my hands anymore (gloves have to come off for pics).

They could be difficult to pick out once they had landed...

Eventually one bird came out into the open...

The flock were restless but not shy. Quality species to have locally...

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