
Friday 28 January 2022

Out, About and Away

After Monday's disappointment Bird-wise at least, I decided to have another "go" for the Black Grouse and an attempt at the Red-flanked Bluetail. I messaged Phil to see if was interested...he was. 

I picked him up at the Humber Bridge at 6.30 and under 3 hours later we were in Upper Teesdale AONB. We tried a few spots around the Langdon Beck area but again I/We couldn't find any? We decided to give it a while. Glad we did, as eventually...we scored!!

We even witnessed some signs of Spring...

Before they departed over the ridge...

It was great to see some again after MANY years. Superb Birds!

Flushed by our success we headed for the Bowlees car park to try for the RFB. It was only a short distance away. We sorted our gear out and headed South to the River Tees...and got completely lost! We were too far East having walked out of the first entry road. Schoolboy error on my part. Having retraced our steps and re-negotiated some awkward stiles. We eventually reached the correct location and there were half-a-dozen hopefuls present...looking forlorn!

We gave it an hour but there was no sign of the Bird...I'd have (probably) seen it on Monday. To be honest I'd have been more pleased seeing the Black Grouse anyway...


Although I was late back last night I had to get up early again today to take the car to the Doctors in Lincoln. A minor but important adjustment to the Old Girl...namely regaining cruise helps the old "war wounds". It didn't take my Mechanic long and I was out of the City by 11. 

Continuing my Quest to see certain species I hadn't seen for a while I headed for Bawtry. A Google search enabled me to enjoy a lunchtime Fish and Chips before I headed for the site. On arrival I had a bird instantly...

Yes, Brambling was my target bird...and there were plenty here. I estimated c150...but there were probably more as they were very skittish and mobile. I spent a very pleasant couple of hours watching and photographing them...good exercise!

They fed in the fields but frequently returned to the isolated trees...

and small Copse... the Pig Farm...

It was a dull day and the birds spent their time resting in the tops of the Trees. It was difficult to get a clear view...

There were other Species present, mainly Chaffinches but also Goldfinches and Greenfinches in small numbers. I walked up and down the quiet lane hoping to get lucky. I got the impression they became less bothered by my presence the longer I was there...or I liked to think so!

The watery Sun was already weakening by 2 and the light was already starting to fade...unfortunately. I got lucky when a large number of birds rested briefly in the Hedge. It gives you an idea of numbers...

A fine sight. The largest flock I've seen.

A few more to give a flavour of the occasion...

It never ceases to amaze me what the modern digital camera can produce. This bird was at least 40 feet up in the tree, in ever decreasing light...

Another excellent day out...added to, when I had a Great White Egret in flight over Potteric Carr from the M18!

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