
Saturday 8 January 2022

Local Treasure

Now and again things transpire to reveal quality birds without much effort, which is quite relaxing and VERY handy!

Whilst watching the FA Cup game between Millwall and Crystal Palace a white apparition drifted across the field opposite. My first Village Barn Owl (H.36) of  the Year in the inner sanctum.

Last knockings saw me strolling down to the cliff with my lad. The lady who rents the paddock had mentioned she'd seen a "white bird" a  few days ago. I'd forgotten about it to be honest BUT there it was again, my Village Little Egret (H.37). I've visited this Paddock hundreds of times over the last 10 years, LE wouldn't have been a species I would have expected to see here. Hope springs eternal.

No effort required!

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