
Monday 6 December 2021

Wind Down

I'm keen but not totally obsessed,,,thankfully! There are other things in my life; important things. I find this time of year a time to take, I won't be doing my annual review yet! However, I admit I have found myself starting to look back on some memorable moments. 

No luck locally with WW Gulls, although both Iceland and Glaucous have been seen down the road recently. We've had some grim weather here recently with another Storm (Barra) forecast for tomorrow. I haven't given up on a few late Year Ticks but I don''t think I'll be venturing far tomorrrow!!

Still no further sign of the BELTED KINGFISHER on the dark side, which makes our spontaneous effort more and more rewarding by the day. I still feel it could be around though. It will also be finding its way into my Top 10 after further thought. After much deliberation the VARIED THRUSH goes in at joint No I can't really split the top 3!!!?

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