
Saturday 20 November 2021

Sloooooooow Birding

Deep into November now. Significant sightings hard to come by...but always possible! Richard found a Lapland Bunting on the coast path yesterday. Unfortunately I couldn't re-find it. I did see 6 Ringed Plovers and 4 Sanderlings. 

Time to concentrate on Winter Birding now...which I love. Short days concentrate the mind. I have some cracking sites locally especially on the Humber plus NDC of course.

Got a few personal issues to deal with at the moment, including losing my beloved V70. Not having the best of luck...but that happens to us all at some time or other. 65 today as well! Time for a day out tomorrow to celebrate. Strange how you percieve things at different stages in your life. My Dad only made it to that IS bad luck. Miss you Dad...