
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Village Addition

Checked for the PFG first this morning. Thankfully the flock were still present. They seemed settled tucked away in a dip in the giant stubble field, so I left them be a nd headed down to Old Hive. After trying to turn a Reed Bunting into something "better" I returned to the car, got my Texas chair out and had a Sea Watch in a strong NW wind (I hid behind the car).

It was apparent from the off that Gannets were on the move South. Mainly immature birds but still entertaining . Many were close in giving great views. I estimated c200 in the 90 minutes I was watching, a fantastic spectacle!

There were quite a few RTD on the sea plus a few Guillimots. Ducks seen were Common Scoter (2), Teal (8) and Wigeon (6). Around 11.30 I picked up a slim bird quite close in. It was flying weakly North. First impression was a Grebe...Great Crested? It looked more stocky with a shorter, darker neck which drooped.

There was also less white on the shoulders. I'd found my first Red-necked Grebe for the Village!! This was my 185th species.

Mid-afternoon the wind had dropped and the sun had come out so we had a stroll along the cliff to the second pill box. It was great to see the sun...

The first notable sighting was 3 Ringed Plover South. The tide was coming in but birds kept appearing. They stood out flying North in the afternoon sun. In a five minute period I had 4 groups of Sanderling flying North totalling 63 birds. Another record count!

Then a distant line of white birds (c1.5 miles) heading powerfully North...

9 Eiders

No luck with any small birds in bushes but a great day nonetheless.

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