
Saturday 16 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 2

Phew! A bit more meat on the bones of the first two days.

So, back to yesterday morning.After the tension of the Airport regarding the fog, we landed at 8.45am got our gear and headed for the Flat. We couldn't get in till 1pm anyway so we left our gear and went for a coffee while we decided what to do. I was tempted to try for the Eider on Tresco, although it hadn't been reported for a while. The boss was OK with that so we boarded the 10.15 and off we went.

After some uncertainty as to where Skirt Island was, we made our way to the SE corner of the Island. What a spot...

We ate our Cornish Pasties in complete isolation before I left Louise to read, while I went to look for the bird. As I rounded the headland I could see the Island just offshore. Plenty of Shags but no Ducks. I looked further but couldn't see anything so I turned to retrace my steps. As I scanned the Island again...there it was...

Scilly 227

Result! A solitary Brent Goose was somewhat....weird...especially in the Mediterranean temperatures!

We spent the rest of our time on the Island slowly making our way back to the Quay for the 3.30 return. I picked up another bonus Scilly tick on the Great Pool in the form of a Spotted Redshank. The hide faces South unfortunately but I was able to eventually pick it out with the Bins...

Scilly 228

A couple of sleeping Pink-footed Geese were a surprise also. Other highlights were Peregrine, Merlin, Raven and Siskin (c35).

After returning to St Mary's, we went to sort our gear out in the flat. After a brew I headed for Porth Hellick (have to admit I was "feeling it" by now) to try for the Red-rumped Swallow. 25 minutes later I'd arrived...but the bird had departed...over Peninnis Head! I started back to Hugh Town stopping on a bench halfway to the news that it was back at PH!! I'd had it now, so I headed home.

Back at the flat I familiarised myself with our new home. As I looked out of the window at we do...I noticed a Black Redstart on an adjacent roof...

Always Birding!

Today was a slower day in more ways than one. I spent a couple of hours this morning waiting in vain for a Wryneck to show at Lower Moors. After lunch Louise headed for the shops and I headed for Watermill to try for the Spotted Sandpiper which had reappeared. By the time I arrived most of the Birders had left and so had the bird. A couple that remained were scanning the rocks to the North. I joined them as they made their way slowly North. They then mentioned that they could see a couple of photographers on the rocks. As we reached them it became apparent they were looking at the bird! After quite some time in remained in view long enough for me to get a pic...

A long walk back and that was that for today. Good exercise!

Trip List 62

Distance covered 14.5 miles

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