
Thursday 28 October 2021

Scilly 2021 - Day 14

Late start today due to poor weather and late night! We also packed our bags in preparation for tomorrow's flight.

After an early lunch we headed down Peninnis as the rain had stopped. There had been a report of 4 Snow Buntings by the Lighthouse.

As we reached the final section a Peregrine appeared and soared for quite some time in the updraft giving spectacular views...

A sinister silhouette

No sign of the Snow Buntings in an hour search around the Lighthouse. Louise then returned to the digs while I recovered on a bench. Adam Hutt appeared with his partner Heather. We had a good chat then they continued East and I returned North down Peninnis. News that the Olive-backed Pipit had been seen again near Old Town tempted me down the Hill. A small group had assembled and after some 30 minutes the bird popped out and I had great views through long time Scilly stalwart Andy's 'scope. Thanks pal!

The rain closed in again by 4,30 so I called it a day. Last chance for something special in the morning. Still time...

Trip Total   101 species

Distance covered   104.7 miles

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