
Saturday 9 October 2021

Morphing MEGA

A Temminck's Stint was reported at Swillington Ings at 6.03pm yesterday. No big deal. 

At 6.42pm it became a LEAST SANDPIPER...a much bigger deal! Having seen the Blacktoft bird (20/10/99) again it didn'tcause any great concern...not that I wouldhave made it anyway.

As I was nodding off I fortunately checked a late message...

MEGA W.Yorks LONG-TOED STINT ad Swillington Ings at St Aidan's RSPB on Eastern Reedbed at 6.50pm then flew towards Western Reedbed (not LEAST SANDPIPER) [reidentified from photographs]

Sleep tight!!!

I didn't. I set my alarm for 4.30 but I was awake at 3. After giving Bud a reluctant (from his prospective) walk I left at 5 and headed West. I'd "ummed and ahhed" about where to access the site finally deciding on the Methley Bridge. I just hoped I could find it in the dark as I'm not that familiar with the area. As I searched for a parking space I spotted a familiar face; it was Paul Herrieven (thanks for reading the Blog), who obviously had the same plan. We were close to the bridge and made our way onto the reserve in the twilight. As the light improved we could see Birders further along the path. We joined them at the Eastern Reedbed and waited. It was just after 7.

Steve (Lawton) was already there and like Paul had only limited time due to commitments. I remember  that situation well, having been in it many times in the past. Not relaxing! I still have them believe it or not...but not as many these days. I've served my time!

More and more Birders were arriving all the time with many familiar faces including Dave Hursthouse who told me he'd seen the previous record on Teeside in 1982! He also saw LITTLE WHIMBREL in Wales at Kenfig the SAME weekend!!! An omen?

It was now gone 8 and there was still no sign of the bird on the open flash. There was  plenty of room for everyone, thankfully and some had decided to look elsewhere on the enormous reserve. Surely someone would "pick it up" IF it was still present?

Then around 8.30 a shuffle...there it was, as if out of nowhere, reasonably close on its lonesome...




With the blanket coverage these days online I won't try to be impressive...not that I am anyway BUT I felt the bird appeared...

Slim, long-necked, long-legged, not really "stint-like". Like a minature, bigger Wader...if that makes sense? lol!

I didn't see the toes! Hopefully it will remain for tomorrow's hopefuls, some coming from Shetland! Unfortunately, some have just arrived on Scilly (not that that is generally a problem)...a bitter sweet feeling that I have experienced more than once. I won't go throught the "stick or twist" scenario (yet) again. I'm more twist than's more interesting, although it can be hard work.

The County has been on fire this year with some remarkable, quality records...






I didn't see the PETREL...but frankly...I'm not bothered!

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