
Sunday 3 October 2021

Go West Old(er) Man

Ever done a Brainstorm? For that you need a...

Anyway, I'll have a go lol!

It's the time of year when the inevitable Scilly/Shetland debate rears up once again. Having access to more information it has become apparent that there are many Birders now on Shetland. There are pluses and minuses to this. The main advantage is that there are more people searching a large area. The main disadvantage is that they will be concentrated when a "biggy" turns up...understandably.

A recent article gives a summary and a case for each. For me it's Scilly and American Birds. You may NOT be surprised by that!!!


Well, here are my reasons...
  • Historical - they always give me a bigger "buzz" and I have so many great memories, many linked to Scilly.
  • Visual - They're better looking! WARBLERS, VIREOS, TANAGER, ORIOLES, CUCKOOS, KINGBIRDS etc
  • My link to the ABA through my various trips.
I understand the other argument. "Sibes" are subtle...but they're also mainly...dull. Let's face it when does a Radde's or a Dusky ever get the pulse racing? LANCEOLATED  and PALLAS'S GRASSHOPPER WARBLER are much desired but they're hardly Oil Paintings! Granted there are some crackers...WHITE'S THRUSH, SIBERIAN RUBYTHROAT , BLUE ROBIN & ACCENTOR for example. 

It's a personal choice. For me though, the combination of a beautiful location and the chance of better looking, more charismatic rarities and hopefully a MEGA will always see me heading South West to the Fortunate Isles.

Besides...this only comes from the West...

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