
Saturday 11 September 2021

Triple MEGA Yorkshire!!!

Back to Thursday. I've been busy!

I arrived at Blacktoft mid-morning and found the correct hide...which on this occasion was Townend. It was full and it soon became apparent that some had been there quite a while...especially when the postman arrived (just kiddin').

Anyway the bird was on view and I waited (semi) patiently for a seat. The WTP was mid-distant but I got great views through my scope. An image...

Some Ruff...

I was happy to stay a short while hoping it would come closer, as no-one else was arriving. THEN...

13.01 MEGA E.Yorks GREEN WARBLER Buckton

I instantly decided I'd make room for someone else!!! ETA on Google Maps was 2.30 and it wasn't far off despite the traffic being heavy. I then noticed Trevor had rung (thanks pal) but I couldn't get hold of him so I started the walk North along the cliff to Buckton. The next few hours were...frustrating, as the bird was only glimped on a few occasions in the dense cover after showing (reasonably) well on release. I did get a couple of decent if brief views but something was missing? Didn't feel...right.

Onto yesterday. I'd decided to return anyway as it might be my final chance to pay my respects to "ALBERT" before he inevitably departs. There was no news initially but halfway there news came through he had returned to Staple Newk...Oh, and the GREEN WARBLER was still present!

I found a space at Staple Newk...and waited. He was on the cliff but out of view. Not for long though. My camera has a mind of its own and it decided to change my settings. No get the jist!

Almost a portrait?

While at the viewpoint I got talking to a nice chap from Derby called Alan (what a great name). We shared thoughts on various topics before heading back. I said I'd give you a mention! Great to meet you.
Phil and Haydn were on there way, so I decided to have a coffee. Haydn showed up first and I couldn't get hold of Phil so we set off North. He turned up soon after and we all searched for the VERY elusive bird.

There were still a good number present (c200) and it was good to see some familiar faces including Trevor, Tony, Steve and his brother. I also had a chat with Brian Fendley who I hadn't seen for quite some time. It was great to see him, a really nice bloke.

Anyway the bird maintained its reputation for being very elusive. We did eventually get a view but we were c50 yds away and to be honest it was still just a bright dot through the bins (no scope). The bird was constantly on the move...into cover!

I decided to try another viewpoint which was closer if narrower. Haydn joined me for a while. He then told me he had to leave soon. As he made his way to the last area of bushes he had a last look down a gap to a mist net...there it was. Of course it had disappeared by the time I arrived. Really pleased that he'd got a decent view. I returned to concentrated on a Rowan (for no particular reason)...

...then...there it was!!! There were only 4 of us present at the spot and it was gone in a flash...again...BUT I got a fantastic view of it in bright sunshine through my bins. I could see ALL the detail. Marvellous and very fortunate. I then pointed the camera and took a few "blind shots" hoping to catch...something. I didn't check them initially as I returned to join Phil with the main group.

When I did my delight, I'd "caught" it...just...

An incredible stroke of luck. It brings home once again the benefit of a digital camera for ID and record purposes. Really glad I initially looked through my bins though.

So, THREE extreme rarities in Yorkshire at the same time!!! Two within walking distance of each other. The vagaries of Birding/Twitching never cease to amaze. A brief dip into online comment once again unsurprisingly revealed the full spectrum of opinion, re-inforcing my position on that paticular avenue. I prefer to just enjoy myself, doing what I like to do and hopefully being a good lad!

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