
Friday 24 September 2021

Shetland - Day 7

This is THE windiest place I've ever been. Obviously weather varies, it does here...from...fairly windy to very windy to extremely windy!!!

This doesn't help the Birding experience, as I'm sure you can appreciate. As mentioned I headed West this morning to have a look around Sandness/ Melby. As I passed Tresta Voe I noticed a bird fighting (you guessed it) the wind. It was difficult to make out but it looked like a Tern so I pulled over. Of course it had disappeared. Despite being buffeted I decided to give it a while. Glad I did as it reappeared some 100 yds offshore...

Looks like a juvenile Arctic to me...happy to be corrected.

A bonus sighting early doors. Nothing of note was seen on the coast but the scenery was impressive... 

Storm debris

I did add Pintail at a small Loch near the Bridge of Walls.  4 Whooper Swans and 30 Wigeon were also present.  After grabbing a few bits from the shop and having a bite to eat I had a look around the immediate area...

...before heading South for the afternoon. I had a brief stop at Weisdale to try for Grey Wagtail. No luck...but I did see a leaping Salmon!!

Whilst driving down the shore of Spiggie Loch I noticed a bird fly up from the road. I'd passed many Wheatears but this looked different. I turned the car around and drove slowly back...

Snow Bunting

A classic through the windscreen shot! I also recorded 7 Whooper Swans and a couple of Swallows. I had two attempts to add Purple Sandpiper; one here and one at the Sumburgh Hotel...

Sumburgh Head in the distance

Both ended in failure. Did I mention the WIND?!

Last day tomorrow. If the BIG one is coming for me it better hurry up! I'm heading North to Unst before trickling back South for the Ferry at 7. I aim to be as exhuasted as possible to aid the crossing...hopefully!

Fingers crossed...again!

Trip List 67

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