
Wednesday 1 September 2021

September Morn'

In position at the Sewage (not to close to the edge mind) at a moderately disappointing least I made it! The visibility fluctuated but the rain mainly stayed away. Using the V70 as a windbreak I was happy to continue...

The first notable sighting was a party of 3 Great Skuas (P.130, H.125) twisting South together. in a moderate Northerly. A sprinkling of Sandwich Terns headed North, as did a few groups of Scoters and Gannets.

Then an Arctic Skua South. A couple of Turnstones also flew low South, then 15  Sanderlings landed right in front of me, some still in summer plumage.

Things got even better with a Pomarine Skua South. Things were going well so I decided to extend my watch to total 4 hours; a marathon for me! Glad I did as around 11 a Long-tailed Skua (P.131, H126) meandered its way South in typical fashion.

I'll never be hooked but today was a good one on the good in fact I had an hour from 5 till 6...still no Sooty Shearwater for me but I did manage a Manx North by the Canada Buoy

I might even try for one of those Fea's type thingies one day?

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