
Thursday 19 August 2021


Simply that. Having had various encounters with the magnificent BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS this summer I feel it's only right to dwell a while on this fantastic site so close to home...

View North to Filey and beyond

Speaking to various people during my visits it brought it home to me how much effort some people had put in to connect with this bird. It's not a "given". Also it's not just the fact of whether you actually "see" the bird; it's the quality of view you get. A combination of long absences, roosting on a distant cliff and spending significant time out on the sea, kept the challenge worthy.

I know of one Birding Pal that made 4 visits from Dorset before finally connecting. Well deserved Steve! 

I normally make my annual pilgrimage in May but my multiple visits this year have enabled me to see the young developing...which has been fun. Especially viewing the enormous Gannet juveniles...

Feeding like a Gannet!

I finally managed to "catch" a Fulmar...

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