
Sunday 15 August 2021

Auk Confirmation

Most Auks pass Holmpton at quite some most things to be honest! Now and again, especially at this time of year, a few birds linger on the sea and the occasional one or two come close enough for ID confirmation. Yesterday morning was such an occasion. I only had my bins and camera but I picked out a few "auks" on the sea. The "crux of the matter" as always are they Guillimot or Razorbill

A few Gannets have been fishing quite close in the last couple of days...


Some bods can be sure of ID at considerable distance...I'm not one of them! Most of my sightings go down as Auk sp or Guillimot. So, this morning was a red letter day when a pristine bona fide Razorbill was drifting South c 0.25 miles off Old the company of a Guillimot...for comparison!! A nice moment...

A few Willow Warblers have started to arrive and the last couple of evenings have produced a nice show of Hirundinnes and Swifts over the field opposite the Cottage.


After my dismissal of the BBA it was inevitable it would re-appear!!! Louise hasn't seen it, so if it's still "about" on Monday, that's our day out sorted!


I'd been building up to my Autumn proposal to the good, not that...we're married! A "Bucket List" item (I have a few) is to spend a week on Shetland in late September. My request has been granted...I chose well! As you will be aware, Scilly is and always will be my "first love"...regarding sites that is! However, it's about time I added LANCEOLATED WARBLER to my British List and this will be my best chance (there, that's jinxed it). 

Of course, I'll be committed if something turns up elsewhere. No matter. On the other hand, if something does turn up "up there", I'll be handily placed. A more chilled approach in my latter least in theory! My time window co-incides with the presence of two tour groups which should enhance my chances of connecting with something "good".

I'm looking forward to having a good look around the Islands, as I've only done "whistle stop" twitches in the past. More nearer the time.


I've just noticed my "visits counter" has gone through the 500,000 mark; granted I have been blogging for 12 years. I'd just like to say a BIG thank you to anyone "out there" who has taken the time to follow my ramblings over the years. It's very much appreciated. 

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