
Wednesday 25 August 2021

A Good Walk

As you know, I try to avoid routine...especially since retirement!

Yesterday morning I set off for a solo walk North around lunchtime...and just kept going...until I ended up in Withernsea...well nearly.

Firstly I walked from the Farm entrance towards the Runnel...

Managing a Snipe, Buzzard, Willow Warbler...

How's that for "out of focus"!

and Reed Bunting. I then veered West to the Runnel Copse...

Nothing avian in there but I did see something new...

Then onto the Cliff by the recently ploughed pea field...

The view North to Wiv'

As you can see the tide was way out and plenty of hard sand, which isn't always the case. So, I made my decision to "do the walk". Since the sea defence improvements I'd been curious to view it from the beach. Today seemed the perfect opportunity. I might even see a decent bird!?

More evidence of pure sand here...

As I reached the southern end of the new defences, I took a few pics...

So the road has been saved...for now. Erosion will obviously continue from where the riprap ends. Time will tell how this change will affect things?

I made my way back towards Holmpton...

The view South with Cliff Farm iand the Gas Terminal tower in the distance. 

...still with no noteworthy sightings added. The exercise was good though and the weather was superb. As I approached Seaside Road I noticed a small speck on the sea close in. The bird was drifting South so I increased my walking speed (slightly) to enable me to try and catch up with it. I just managed to get level with it by the time I breathlessly reached the road...


The bird was remarkably close to the beach passing within 30yds of a couple of oblivious fisherman at one point...

So, a last minute notable sighting. Not a rarity but a very unusual record nontheless. Also a few calories burned off hopefully...

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