
Monday 5 July 2021


Did I say Doldrums?!!!

June 3rd LITTLE SWIFT Scilly

June 4th RIVER WARBLER Somerset

June 5th RED-NECKED STINT Northumberland


June 12th PACIFIC SWIFT Northumberland


June 23rd GREEN WARBLER Shetland

June 27th PACIFIC SWIFT Glamorgan


July 1st SOFT-PLUMAGED PETREL Various East Coast Sites


Blimey. Seems I was wrong...again! THREE MEGA ALERTS in 5 minutes this morning!!!

As already stated I chased the SBW and EV without success. On reflection I should have gone to see the summer plumaged RNS and maybe the RW. Also, I might have to start chasing these mystery PETRELS?

Anyway, after Friday evening's excitement, I kept a low profile on Saturday as I figured it might get a bit busy "down the road" regarding the DOVE. After an absence the BBA thankfully returned to Bempton yesterday and remains as I write. 

As news broke of the return of the ALBATROSS I'd just returned from a brief visit to Easington after Steve Lawton had informed me the OTD was sat in a tree on Vicar's Lane. Of course as I arrived the DOVE flew off. A minite LATER news was confirmed of an ELEGANT TERN on Anglesey at Cemlyn Bay NWWT. Simply INCREDIBLE!!!

It was my Grandson's Birthday.


Family before Birds...EVERY time.

We left home around Noon and arrived at Birstall at 2 after some lunch. It was great to see everyone after difficult times. I'd hatched a cunning plan. They'd arranged to take Daniel out for a meal at 4, so we said our goodbyes. Louise headed back home and I headed for Anglesey! I always find a trip to North Wales somehow "easier" than North or South...for some strange reason? The A55 is also much easier to negotiate these days and is also quite scenic.

Anyway, I was crossing the Menai Bridge at 6.30. The Sat Nav helped me to the reserve but I ended up at a disconcerting empty car park! I'd been here recently for an EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL. Fortunately I had a second set of co-ordiates and 5 minutes later I was at the other side of the bay. It was still quite desolate with only 4 cars present? I was puzzled and rather concerned. Then, I looked along the shingle ridge and I could see Birders...only 4...but that was a start. I sorted my gear and dog out and started to walk through the sapping shingle (brought back memories of Blakeney Point). As I reached the first Birder I asked the time honoured question..."Hi, is it showing"? "Yep, it's in my scope, do you want a look"?


The bird was tucked up in the vegetation but you could see its bill clearly. I thanked the chap. Now I knew it was present and whereabouts to look, I settled by the rope and got my camera out. Luckily the bird appeared out in the open (apparently it had spent long periods out of view) allowing me to get my pic...

Quite a day and a satisfying "grip back" after dipping the bird that toured the South Coast in June 2017 due to being on holiday in the Pyrenees. ET came home. There WAS another...or is it the same one?


Today I headed back to Bempton hoping it would be quieter. It was...but there were still plenty of hopefuls...understandably. The BBA was thankfully present and I enjoyed watching the star turn circling over Staple Nook for quite some time. A awesome sight. I had a good chat with Trevor and I also bumped into Gary Dayes. I also saw Ian Barber and his wife who I'd seen the previous evening at Cemlyn...small world the Birding one! Thanks for reading the Blog Ian! The Albatross went for a stretch just after Noon and hadn't returned by 3.30 when I left. It did return this evening though. Hopefully it will be around for some time?

This magnificent seabird must have attracted most Birders by now and is my personal 

Number 1.

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