
Thursday 17 June 2021


Didn't manage much sleep on the way down but caught up a bit on the mercifully smooth Scillonian crossing...(hence this late initial post).

As we were about to dock I picked up a Puffin on the water, which was a Scilly tick having never been in Summer before.

Those of you "in the know" will be aware there were no reports of the EV. I'm staying till Friday afternoon to enjoy the Islands and maybe, just might still be around. The SHORT-TOED EAGLE of 1999 did a tour of some of the more remote Islands and stayed 5 days. Hope springs eternal.

Late afternoon a report came through of the "resident" Iceland Gull, which I eventually managed a view of from the Garrison. Another Scilly tick after dipping last Autumn. As I was walking down to the Quay for a closer look a van pulled up. It was Kris Webb aka "Spider" who runs the WhatsApp group. He asked if I was going for the Red-footed Falcon...yet another Scilly tick! I hopped in and 40 minutes later I was enjoying brilliant scope views of this beautiful bird.

I'm writing this from the harbour having just had the obligatory "full English". The weather is set fair... fingers (and everything else) crossed...

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