
Saturday 19 June 2021

Scilly Me

Time ran out for a VULTURE.

So, a first Summer albeit brief trip to my favourite Islands. Obviously disappointed not to see the "Big One" but being 200 yds from a view of a WALRUS when news broke was...handy!!! The Islands looked stunning with all the greenery, flowers and turquoise seas. Superb.

A brief recap on Wednesday afternoon. I gave it 4 hours on the Garrison before  succumbing to the "decent birds" on offer with Kris's help. A distant view of the juvenile Iceland Gull by the Mermaid Pub...

The 1st summer male Red-footed Falcon was present near the Airport turnng circle at Blue Carn...

The overcast conditions were a shame but it looked great through the 'scope. A quality bird. Add on a much hoped fro Puffin as we approached the Quay and I'd added three species to my Scilly List...taking me to 226.

7 hours on the Garrison on Thursday and my hopes were starting to fade! Nice view though...

Left to Right...Samson, Bryher and Tresco you can see...much better weather. Nothing of note was seen?

The WALRUS was definitely a bonus though. A huge mammal which was bizarrely trying to get onto the yachts in the bay! It seemed perfectly healthy...

An unforgettable experience...

A couple more hours on Friday morning cemented the feeling the EV had moved on. It was time for reflection. I had another peep at the WALRUS and met "Higgo" and Royston, two of the Scilly characters. It was nice to actually have a chat to them as things are a bit busier "birder-wise" in October.

This scenario was one I'd hoped to experience in retirement. No rushing around just spending time at chosen sites (especially this one) with the extra bonus of a potential special bird. This visit just reinforced my love of the Islands and I can't wait to return in October with Louise.
When I was dipping on Lundy last week some of the young guns were gently pulling my leg regarding the Scilly/Shetland debate. That's pays yer money etc etc. It's worth pointing out though that the former has recently had an INDIGO BUNTING and an EGYPTIAN VULTURE...besides there NO WAY Louise would go up there at the end of September...but I year?

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