
Thursday 3 June 2021


A few around the area but none seen here...yet!

To chase or wait? I'm more of a waiter these days...I'd like to be more of a finder!! Better get out there and find somert...

No sooner had I posted this than...

Update: 1.35 The two Bee-eaters are now sat on wires by Southfield Farm (Kilnsea). I cracked and chased...but failed! 

The same birds as yesterday apparently, so still in with a shout...maybe here?

Update 2: As I came out of the Opticians around 4.30 (complete with dilating eye drops) I stumbled for my phone before falling into the good ladies car to be driven home...

4.19: 2 on wires by Out Newton Rd late afternoon

Maybe I drove past them on my way back from Spurn?!

We arrived around 5 and I saw them distantly on the wires. A quick return home for Optics and I was back on site at 5.20...having passed Richard on the way...

Unfortunately the birds never came close but that would have been a bonus. I had great views through my trusty APO did Louise and my neighbour Geoff. I pointed out a few other species to him that perched on the wires also. However, the stars were the Bee-eaters (P.111)...

They fed well and were seen to copulate on one occasion, which always causes speculation!

After a quick Pizza I returned to Model Farm (passing Gavin this time) to try and 'scope them from the dubious limit of my elastic Holmpton boundary! I got "on them" just in time to see them fly high...but which way? Unfortunately South. Now then, this raises the age old question of in or from the Patch? I've always been an "in" man myself. I must admit to be wavering on this one. No secrets here nor intense feeling. Just a bit of fun. 

One thing is for sure I'll be looking for them in the morning, maybe they'll try that bit further North to end the discussion? Whatever...what a fantastic record so close to home.

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