
Saturday 1 May 2021

There and Here - for an Eagle!

Popped over to the "dark side" yesterday to see "me Mum" . An early start at 6 enabled me to do a detour to NDC on the way...after the Sausage McMuffins (no egg) and Latte...of course! I arrived at 8 and had a lovely relaxing couple of hours before continuing to Bury.

Still no Garganey unfortunately...or Swift. I added 5 year ticks taking me to 73. The "best" sightings were Kingfisher and 2 Greenshanks. Other notables...

Whooper Swan (still looking in good nick) 
Great Crested Grebe - still courting
Little Egret
Common Sandpiper
House Martin
Sedge Warbler

Obviously got back late last night, so had a lazy morning today watching the Snooker. I usually miss it, again for obvious reasons, so I've "filled my boots" this year. It's been fantastic...and hasn't changed over the years...unlike most other sports!!! Hazel Irvine is a brilliant presenter, John Virgo a legend and the BBC, as always, do an excellent job with sport.

As I was enjoying another tense frame...a message. Like us all, I guess, I don't always look immediately....schoolboy error? No Pager these days, so it could be from a variety of sources. Fortunately this one was read promptly and was from the "Spurn Early Warning" WhatsApp group. A Birder from Withernsea had posted a message...

Imm White-tailed Eagle just gone South over Withernsea following the shoreline

Withernsea is 3 miles North of Holmpton. Scramble! I grabbed my bins and camera (forgot my phone), jumped (well fell) into the car and headed to the bottom of School Lane...the very bottom, stopping just before the (crumbling) cliff! I looked to my right...and THERE IT WAS!!! It was over Mill Hill flying steadily South accompanied by the madatory Covids. My camera had decided to change its settings, which was rather frustrating to say the least. Anyway, I managed to sort it out (and my fingers) just in time to record the event...

P.97, H.96

So, second record for Holmpton following my self-found bird on the 2nd of November 2018. You never know what might drift by...if you're there of course. 

The down side of the event was that Richard didn't see it. He is also on the WhatsApp group but he was in the garden and his phone was "on charge" in the house. Timing is luck of course!

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