
Friday 2 April 2021

Time to move on...and up!

Steady away today, although the exercise is always required and enjoyable. I managed 18,153 steps on Wednesday. The false joints are holding up well.

Highlights were a continuing Yellowhammer flock (c30) in Old Hive Copse...

Same pic' but second one edited "in camera". Just had a fiddle with the controls. I never read up...just trial and error!? Both crap...but interesting I thought?

...and 4 Golden Plover in the tilled field North of the Runnel. A couple starting to look quite dapper...

Last word on "post-lockdown"... promise! The full spectrum of opinions (as always) are being aired. Opinions... everybody's got one. Birders, family and friends. It can cause conflict unfortunately; as if things weren't bad enough! You can even get criticised for agreeing with someone... apparently!? Many were ignoring all laws and advice during the Lockdowns. Some it seems, wanting to continue the restrictions? We can't live in Lockdown forever! Many countries haven't had ANY Lockdowns e.g USA, UAE (not that that's right of course). With the relaxation of laws and advice now, interpretation is still a grey area for me. "Minimise travel"? The definition here depends on which website you use! It certainly doesn't mean DON'T travel! 

As posted, I travelled to see the NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD on Monday, no secrets here...but plenty elsewhere!!! There were c30 people there first thing for a bird that was a tick for virtually everyone. What does that tell you?

Personally, I didn't make any significant journeys during Lockdown. However, from now on I WILL make infrequent necessary journeys to bird (mental health) and to see family and friends (socialising). Hope that's OK...if not...please look elsewhere! 

"You can't please everyone... so you've got to please yourself" Ricky Nelson.

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