
Saturday 24 April 2021

Three Pronged Attack

 I added both Whitethroats yesterday. A Lesser (P.95, H.94) at the bottom of Seaside Road and a Common (P.96, H,95) at Model Farm. A couple of Yellow Wagtails graced the cliff paddock...

A Song Thrush appeared briefly...

...and the Linnets were in full song...

Things are still "hot" in Texas with a significant "fall" at South Padre Island on April 18th which included 

170 Baltimore Orioles

100 Indigo Buntings

30 Painted Buntings

Texas - on this day


April 22nd

Found me at the Lawrence E Wood picnic area in the Davis Mountains

Acorn Woodpecker
Pygmy Nuthatch
White-brested Nuthatch
Western Kingbird

April 23rd

I moved on to El Paso (as far West as you can get in Texas as it's on the border with New Mexico. My target was Gambel's Quail. This species is only found in this area of Texas...hence my visit. The check out girl at Walmart couldn't understand why I was there! I managed to find a covey of 6 birds.


April 22nd

A twitch to the Birding Mecca of Sabine Woods for Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. A bird that is found in Arizona. I managed to connect with it on its penultimate day. 


April 22nd

Another specific visit, aka twitch, to Chalk Bluff Country Park to try for another Texas rare, a dapper Rufous-crowned Warbler...I found it...

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