
Monday 19 April 2021

Purple(ish) Patch

Bit of a purple Patch (see what I did there) at the moment...for Holmpton! After yesterday's Brambling Richard found a female Redstart this morning in the cliff paddock. I lazily drove down there but the time saved paid off as I managed to re-locate it briefly before it typically vanished...

Proof only! (P.94, H.93)

Two further visits later in the day failed to re-find it. No sign of yesterday's Brambling but a Coal Tit appeared on the feeders and bath.

Texas - on this date

2003 - More from Big Bend; this time the Chisos Basin were I added the following species to my State list...

White-throated Swift
Hutton's Vireo
Mexican Jay
Cactus Wren
Canyon Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Hepatic Tanager
Lazuli Bunting
Varied Bunting - another favourite!

I then finished off at Cottonwood Campground adding two key species...
Crissal Thrasher
Lucy's Warbler

2006 - found me in the spectacular Davis Mountains of West Texas. I spent a day with a wonderful old Texan guy called John. P. Gee who allowed me access into some private areas, where I connected with some key regional species, which included the rare breeder Buff-breasted Flycatcher. He shared some amazing stories about his interesting travels throughout the World as an oil company executive. One quick story... he told me that while he was in Nigeria he had an African Grey Parrot (renowned for their intelligence) as a pet. One day he came home and it was mimicking a bird call. He couldn't figure out what it was. After some research it turned out to be a rare bird for the country! Happy memories.

Mexican Whip-poor-will
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Gray Flycatcher
Buff-breasted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Townsend Warbler
Painted Redstart

2019 - It was lucky 13th visit for me with a species I'd wanted to add to my Texas List since my first trip in 2000. It's an annual but very scarce migrant to Texas as the main passage is further East through Florida. I missed one by minutes in 2008 at Sabine Woods as I had to leave for the Airport. I wasn't happy! Anyway, success at Copse Woods, Galveston Island...

Cape May Warbler

No list from Sabine Wood for yesterday, as promised...just a comment from my pal John Haynes...

"Fantastic stretch of birding continues, warbler diversity about as good as it gets".

Never mind!!!

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