
Thursday 15 April 2021

Out and About

Had a few errands to do today and tried to get my first official haircut...and failed! Never mind. A couple of perched Swallows on Snakey started things off plus a singing Corn Bunting in the usual spot.

I gave ita couple of hours at Duff after doing my visits in Hull. They're still working on Garganey Hide, so I had to do with distant scoping from the Geoff Smith hide. Hope they're finished soon? The undoubted highlight was prolonged if distant views of a Great White Egret heading North at noon. More regular now but still a fine sight and very noteworthy. A few Pintail were hanging on as were a couple of Whooper Swans? Possibly problems there...unfortunately.

I spent the late afternoon back at Holmpton circling the cliff top paddock but nothing was seen. It was a lovely evening though.

Texas  - on this day


San Ygnacio

Morelet's Seedeater 


Big Thicket

Prairie Warbler 




There's a story here. This is one of my best sightings. A VERY Rare Bird in the States, only found in Texas. It no longer occurs at this site after extensive flooding of the Rio Grande in 2010. I refound this bird early on this date, as it was calling from a tree right above my head! Happy Days. It does still occur on occasion but access is difficult, as are sightings.

Santa Ana

Hook-billed Kite 




Hudsonian Godwit 

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