
Sunday 11 April 2021

A few thoughts

...but no preaching...hopefully!

We should be in Texas now; we're not...for obvious reasons. Things could be worse...a lot worse...but it's still disappointing, especially for the second year. I've decided to follow the news Stateside and "Bird" in a virtual way! I will post some highlights here, which as usual you can read...or ignore!

We've had snow this morning but it's already dissolving. I think I can safely say migration has been held up somewhat by the current weather pattern. No doubt some will disagree.

Repetition is hard to avoid when one has "blogged" for as long as I have, so I appreciate your tolerance in this matter. The contradictions on-line regarding current travel are truly staggering...I wish people would mind their own business. It seems to depend in certain instances, on who your "friends" are? Nothing new there! I'm long enough in the tooth to have seen it all before...many times...and will no doubt see it again.

I had an extended garden watch Thursday and Friday on the second anniversary of my sighting but I couldn't see one of these...

Number 1 garden tick

Louise returns to work on Tuesday and my part will be to "Hold the Fort" and make a plan for the Spring. Hope you enjoy yours also...

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