
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Clear Out

I was curious to see if any Wheatears remained from last night's "fall". None did! I did see a Linnet (P.85, H.84) flock  and there was a good smattering of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Reed Buntings...

A few Gulls also arrived including a lovely Lesser black-backed

I did manage to squeeze a March Swallow (P.86, H.85) and a couple of Shovelers (P.87, H.86) headed South...

One of them!

I met Phil around 10ish at the Sewage. We walked South hoping for...something! It was quiet, very quiet. There were more Sand Martins around, some prospecting for nest sites? The birds I saw at Old Hive yesterday equalled my earliest date for this species.

We then decided to check out the Cliff Farm/Old Hive area. Sand Martin numbers had increased to c30. We finished on Snakey Lane. On the way I had a glance to see if the Barnacle Goose was present, it was...

No luck with Corn Bunting on Snakey but we enjoyed the amazing weather (23c). It was time for Phil to leave, so we said our goodbyes and I headed for home. The evening walk for the lad was back to the "Wheatear field". Still no birds present. I walked up to the Llama Farm and found one on a post...

We then strolled back in the evening light and I came across another bird on the Cliff edge...

A closer view

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