Thursday 5 January 2017

2017 - New challenges

What do you want for your Birding?
Maybe nothing more than enjoying watching birds! Then again. maybe it's more about just collecting ticks? How about visiting new sites/countries? Whatever floats your boat...I hope you enjoy it. Otherwise, what's the point?
For me?
Well, my goalposts have moved somewhat! My planned trip to the sacred ABA ground of ATTU has been postponed/cancelled. My knee just isn't in a fit state to risk that kind of money. I deliberated long and hard over the holidays but it IS the correct decision. Maybe I'll still make it one Spring in the future before my time is up? I've managed to amass a total of 686 species from my holiday visits over the last 16 years and ATTU would almost certainly have pushed me through the 700 mark, which was my bucket list target. I guess it's the equivalent of breaking 500 for my British list. Once achieved I'm still keen but not manic! Especially with some of the recent odd decisions which I strongly disagree with. No matter.
My trip to Cyprus in March is still very much ON however. I'm looking forward to finding some migrants from the 8th to the 29th. There should be plenty of movement North throughout this time window...and hopefully a lingering Wallcreeper or two.
Personally I like the idea of regular destinations to watch and Cyprus is my chosen country for an early Spring/late Winter holiday...despite the problems there. It's also the warmest place in Europe for Louise at this time of year! Winter breaks are DEFINITELY the future for us.
Later in the year I have thoughts of maybe finally spending some time on Shetland in September and maybe finally adding LANCEOLATED WARBLER to my British list...and maybe one or two more?
We aim to conclude the year with another trip to our beloved Texas.
So, there you are.
No Birding this week as I've been on a re-fresh for a part-time post which will help to pay for some of the above!!!
Whatever you decide to do I wish you well and please...ENJOY IT!

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